Kamis, 28 September 2017



The TPC cells consist of a sealed distribution pad, composed of two plates welded together around the periphery and filled with de-aired oil. The pad is connected via a length of steel tube to a pressure transducer. Variations in oil pressure resulting from load changes acting on the pad are sensed by the transducer. The TPC is fi tted with a circular or rectangular pad, the lat ter being designed for measurement of tangential and radial stresses in shotcrete tunnel linings. The stiffness of the TPC is high, enabling its embedment in soil or in concrete. A groove on both sides of the pad increases its fl exibility while reducing sensitivity to stress in directions other than normal to the pad face. The concrete stress cell may be fi tted with a repressurization
tube to restore contact between the pad and the concrete after curing of the latter. The TPC is fi tted with eyelets, to simplify instal lation, and with a built-in thermistor allowing tempera ture reading.


  • Long-term reliability
  • High pressure range
  • Different types of transducers available: vibrating wire, electrical 4–20 mA, pneumatic and fiber optic
  • Rugged stainless steel construction for harsh environments
  • Compliant with ISRM suggested method
  • Built-in electrical surge protection
  • Triple water block (watertight connector, resin seal and feed through header)
  • Frequency signal easy to process and transmit over long distances


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